
Representational Models and Nonlinear Dynamics: Irreconcilable Approaches to Human Movement Timing and Coordination or Two Sides of the Same Coin? Introduction to the Special Issue on Movement Timing and Coordination

, , and . Brain and Cognition, (2002)


For several years research on human movement timing and coordination has been dominated by two different frameworks, namely representational models on the one hand and dynamical systems theory on the other. Numerous publications in recent years reflect both frameworks’ potentials to motivate original empirical research and to foster methodological progress. Unfortunately the progress that has undoubtedly been made occurred largely within frameworks. Until more recently few attempts have been made to develop complementary or even integrative perspectives. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find issues of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Journal of Motor Behavior, or Brain and Cognition where the tables of content promise articles on similar topics; closer reading reveals little overlap in theoretical perspective, methods used, or even the cited references.

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