
Analycity properties of the characteristic exponents of random matrix products

. Adv. in Math., 32 (1): 68--80 (1979)


The main result of this interesting article is the following theorem. Let $Ømega$ be a compact space and $\tau$ a homeomorphism of $Ømega$. Let $E$ be a continuous vector bundle over $Ømega$ with fibers $E(x)$ isomorphic to $R^m$, $xınØmega$, where $m$ is a fixed positive integer. Denote by $O_x$ the origin of the fiber $E(x)$. A continuous vector bundle map $T$ is a continuous map $TEE$ such that $T(E(x))E(\tau(x))$ for each $xınØmega$ and such that the restriction of $T$ to $E(x)$ is linear. An important example of this situation arises when $Ømega$ is a compact differentiable manifold, $\tau$ is a diffeomorphism of $Ømega$, $E$ is the tangent bundle of $Ømega$ and $T$ is the differential of $\tau$. Denote by $T$ the Banach space of continuous vector bundle maps $T$ on $E$ with the sup-norm (where we have fixed norms on each $E(x)$ varying continuously with $xınØmega$). Now define an open subset $P$ of $T$ consisting of those $TınT$ for which the following condition holds. For each $xınØmega$ there is a proper closed convex cone $C(x)E(x)$ such that for each $xınØmega$, (1) $C(x)\cup(-C(x))$ depends continuously on $x$; (2) $TC(x)\subseteqØ_\tau(x)\\cupint\,C(\tau(x))\cupint(-C(\tau(x)))$; and (3) the apex of $C(x)$ is $O_x$. Theorem: For each $\tau$-invariant probability measure $\rho$ on $Ømega$, the function (highest characteristic exponent) $\chi(T,\rho)=łim_n\rightarrowınftyn^-1ınt\rho(dx)·log\|T(\tau^n-1x)T(x)\|=n^-1ınt\rho(dx)log\|T(\tau^n-1x)T(x)\|$ is real analytic for $TınP$. The author also considers exterior products and obtains analogous information on the sums of the highest $p$ characteristic exponents of $T$, as well as the case of complex bundles.


Analycity properties of the characteristic exponents of random matrix products

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