
The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments

, and . Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (7): 1393 - 1417 (2008)Special Issue: Multivariate Distributions, Inference and Applications in Memory of Norman L. Johnson.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2008.04.006


While the noncentral Wishart distribution is generally introduced as the distribution of the random symmetric matrix Y1∗Y1+⋯+Yn∗Yn where Y1,…,Yn are independent Gaussian rows in Rk with the same covariance, the present paper starts from a slightly more general definition, following the extension of the chi-square distribution to the gamma distribution. We denote by γ(p,a;σ) this general noncentral Wishart distribution: the real number p is called the shape parameter, the positive definite matrix σ of order k is called the shape parameter and the semi-positive definite matrix a of order k is such that the matrix ω=σaσ is called the noncentrality parameter. This paper considers three problems: the derivation of an explicit formula for the expectation of tr(Xh1)…tr(Xhm) when X∼γ(p,a,σ) and h1,…,hm are arbitrary symmetric matrices of order k, the estimation of the parameters (a,σ) by a method different from that of Alam and Mitra K. Alam, A. Mitra, On estimated the scale and noncentrality matrices of a Wishart distribution, Sankhyā, Series B 52 (1990) 133–143 and the determination of the set of acceptable p’s as already done by Gindikin and Shanbag for the ordinary Wishart distribution γ(p,0,σ).


The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments - ScienceDirect

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