
Conservative Management of 1st Degree Hemorrhoids Abhyantar Arsha a Case Discussion



Hemorrhoids are a very common ano rectal phenomenon seen in current era which are very troublesome, routine hampering and having the tendency to become severe and deteriorate the condition of the patient. Multiple surgical interventions are made use of by surgeons to treat them depending upon their Grades. The Grade 1 type are the ones most commonly present yet most neglected conditions as the symptoms do have any major disturbance in day to day life of the patient 1 . Surgical interventions viz. Haemorrhoidectomy Open and Closed, Rubber Band Ligation, Stapled Hemorrhoidplexy etc. are in demand by both the patients and the surgeons due to their various advantages 2 . Hemorrhoids can be co related to Arsha in Ayurvedic literature. The cons of surgery hospital stay, post op pain, expenditure etc. can be avoided in 1st degree primary hemorrhoids by putting the patient on conservative line of treatment i.e. Ayurvedic medicines internally and giving modifications in diet and lifestyle. A study was conducted wherein a patient diagnosed with 1st degree hemorrhoids was treated by giving him Ayurvedic medicines for oral consumption. Regular weekly follow up were taken and the relief experienced by the patient as well as findings during examination were noted over the span of 30 days. It was found that there was marked reduction of the clinical features exhibited by the patient in the first week itself. Also significant improvement in the overall condition of the patient was seen at the end of the treatment plan. This study can be concluded by reaffirming that nonsurgical conservative management Internal Ayurvedic Medicines show significant effect in treating 1st degree hemorrhoids Abhyantar Arsha . Dr. Kiran Prakash Patil | Dr. K M Siddalinga Murthy "Conservative Management of 1st Degree Hemorrhoids (Abhyantar Arsha) a Case Discussion" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd59712.pdf Paper Url:https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/ayurvedic/59712/conservative-management-of-1st-degree-hemorrhoids-abhyantar-arsha-a-case-discussion/dr-kiran-prakash-patil

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