
Glasses and spin glasses with long but finite interaction range

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


A central problem in the theory of glassy systems is the comprehension of metastability in presence of finite range interactions. While in mean field metastable state can have infinite life time, for finite interaction range metastable state must decay on time scales independent of the system size. In this talk I will discuss a recent theoretical approach to metastability based on the analysis of disordered models with long but finite range Kac kind of interactions. These kind of models are well suited to study finite dimensional effects in asymptotic expansions around mean-field. I will discuss a detailed picture coming from the analysis of recently proposed correlation functions, that describes in a unified way two different lengths characterizing the growth of correlation in the supercooled phase of these models. I will compare the results of 1D numerical simulations to the asymptotic analysis.

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