
In this paper we explore findings from three experiments that use minimally invasive sensors with a web based geometry tutor to create a user model. Minimally invasive sensor technology is mature enough to equip classrooms of up to 25 students withfour sensors at the same time while using a computer based intelligent tutoring system. The sensors, which are on each student’schair, mouse, monitor, and wrist, provide data about posture, movement, grip tension, arousal, and facially expressed mentalstates. This data may provide adaptive feedback to an intelligent tutoring system based on an individual student’s affectivestates. The experiments show that when sensor data supplements a user model based on tutor logs, the model reflects a largerpercentage of the students’ self-concept than a user model based on the tutor logs alone. The models are further expandedto classify four ranges of emotional self-concept including frustration, interest, confidence, and excitement with over 78%accuracy. The emotional predictions are a first step for intelligent tutor systems to create sensor based personalized feedbackfor each student in a classroom environment. Bringing sensors to our children’s schools addresses real problems of students’relationship to mathematics as they are learning the subject.


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