
Peer to Peer Communication between Android Device and PC and Video Surveillance using Android Device

, , , and . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (1): 175--180 (January 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150137


Peer to peer technology is used for sharing of various contents that are already saved on PC. In this mobile is one peer and PC is another peer. Connection is established between computer and android smart phone which is peer to peer networking. This system is useful for like viewing or browsing a file which is stored on a remote computer, saving image files and text files to the computer and handling control of a remote computer using a android smart phone. Not only remote computer but also we can have control over various extended devices which are connected to that computer. It also represents architecture to improve video surveillance using android Smart-phone. This system allows application dynamic composition which is increases the overall flexibility of the system. This video surveillance system satisfies all needs of dynamism which results into easy allowing use of system to different users. This system provides better surveillance by selecting access live for past videos from different locations

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