
Temperature probes in binary granular gases

, , und . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 334 (3-4): 513--523 (März 2004)


We investigate the validity of fluctuation-dissipation relations for a mixture of two granular gases with different physical properties (restitution coefficients or masses) subject to stochastic driving. It is well known that the partial granular temperatures T1 and T2 of the two components are different, i.e., energy equipartition is broken. We observe, with numerical simulations of inelastic hard disks in homogeneous and non-homogeneous situations, that the classical equilibrium Green-Kubo relations are satisfied separately for each component of the gas, the role of the equilibrium temperature being played by the granular temperature of each component. Of particular interest is the limit in which one of the two components consists of only one particle, representing a non-perturbing thermometer. In this case it turns out that such a thermometer is measuring its own temperature and not that of the surrounding granular media, which in general will be different.


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