
Web-based evaluation of medical clerkships: a new approach to immediacy and efficacy of feedback and assessment.

. Medical teacher, 25 (5): 510--514 (September 2003)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01421590310001605697


The classical assessment of medical students has been based on the 'apprenticeship' model, which consists of written examinations and tutor-led assessment of coursework; this method has proved to be very dependent on tutors' attitudes and instructional skills and on patients' availability. This paradigm has shifted in recent years as a result of the new implementation of modular assessments, logbooks and portfolios during clerkship rotations. Portfolios have been demonstrated to bea very useful tool to promote self-reflection, prompt feedback and skills development. However, written portfolios not only introduce additional paperwork for both students and tutors but also have some limitations for immediacy and effectiveness of feedback. To obviate these limitations an electronic portfolio is proposed here to be used by students and tutors during clinical clerkships. Based on the principles for good practice in undergraduate education the authors show the advantages of this method and its multiple applications to promote students' development of skills and attitudes and to improve tutors' acceptance of this innovative evaluation method.

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