
We investigate exciton dynamics in isopycnically enriched (6,5) nanotube-DNA suspensions using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. The ground state recovery is characterized by a t(-0.45) +/- (0.03) power law behavior, indicative of a one-dimensional diffusion-limited reaction that is tentatively attributed to subdiffusive trapping of dark excitons. Spectral transients of bright (,40 singlet excitons within the Ell and E-22 manifolds exhibit a photobleach (PB) and a photoabsorption (PA) signal of similar strength. The PA is blue-shifted with respect to the PB-signal by 7.5 meV and is attributed to a transition from the dark singlet exciton (0)A(0) + to a (0)A(0)(-) + (0)A(0)(+) state within the two exciton E-11 manifold.

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