
Mosaic multi-state scenario vs. one-state description of glass-formers

, , and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We test the mosaic scenario through numerical simulations of a simple glass-former. According to such scenario, relaxation below the Mode Coupling temperature is ruled by two competing mechanisms: surface tension, opposing the creation of local excitations, and entropy, providing the drive to the configurational rearrangement of a given region. Given an equilibrated configuration, we freeze all the particles outside a sphere and study the thermodynamics of this sphere. The frozen environment acts as a pinning field. By measuring the global overlap between the unpinned and pinned equilibrium configurations of the sphere, we can see whether it has switched to a different state or not. With this observable, we do not find any clear evidence of the standard mosaic scenario and our results seem rather compatible with the existence of one single state, the liquid. However, a refined mosaic, incorporating a (broad) distribution of surface tension, could still reconcile at very low temperature numeric data on more sensitive observables, such as local overlaps, and the mosaic scenario.

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