
Hydrological Application of Remote – Sensing and GIS for Handling of Excess Runoff

, and . ACEE International Journal on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1 (1): 4 (February 2011)


A GIS based hydrological analysis has been carried out to explore the possibility of diverting storm runoff generated from the upper catchment safely through a canal system constructed at the foothill to avoid flooding at downstream. The study area consisted of Kalapahar-Udyachal hills (5.38 km sq) in the Kahilipara- Odalbakra area, situated in the city of Guwahati, Assam. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area was developed from the Survey of India(SOI) toposheet (1972) using Arcgis software. Watershed delineation and derivation of required topographic parameters for for calculating the peak discharge from different watersheds were done with the help of the generated DEM. Based on the hydrological analysis, means of safe diversion of runoff water from hillocks was found out and canal design of varying geometry capable of handling the peak discharge suggested.

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