
Non-perturbative renormalization in lattice QCD

. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 53 (1-3): 3--15 (Sep 23, 1996)
DOI: 10.1016/s0920-5632(96)00594-4


In this talk I will discuss a number of approaches designed to deal with the problem of setting up a fully non-perturbative renormalization procedure in lattice QCD. Methods based on Ward-Takahashi identities on hadronic states, on imposing chiral selection rules on amplitudes with external quark/gluon legs, on the use of the Schrödinger functional and on ``heating and cooling'' Monte Carlo steps are reviewed. I conclude with some remarks on the possibility of defining next order terms (higher twists, ``condensates", ...) in short distance expansions.

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