
The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the off-training physical activity (PA) profile in national elite German U23 rowers during 31 days of their preparation period. The hours spent in each PA category (i.e. sedentary: <1.5 MET; light physical activity: 1.5–3 MET; moderate physical activity: 3–6 MET and vigorous intense physical activity: >6 MET) were calculated for every valid day (i.e. > 480 min of wear time). The off-training PA during 21 weekdays and 10 weekend days of the final 11-wk preparation period was assessed by a wrist-worn multisensory device (Microsoft Band II (MSBII)). A total of 11 rowers provided valid data (i.e. > 480 min/day) for 11.6 week days and 4.8 weekend days during the 31 days observation period. The average sedentary time was 11.63±1.25 hours per day during the week and 12.49±1.10 hours per day on the weekend, with a tendency to be higher on the weekend compared to weekdays (p = 0.06; d = 0.73). The average time in light, moderate and vigorous PA during the weekdays was 1.27±1.15, 0.76±0.37, 0.51±0.44 hours per day and 0.67±0.43, 0.59±0.37, 0.53±0.32 hours per weekend day. Light physical activity was higher during weekdays compared to the weekend (p = 0.04; d = 0.69) Based on our pilot study of eleven national elite rowers we conclude that rowers display a considerable sedentary off-training behavior of more than 11.5 hours/day.


Frontiers | Sedentary Behavior among National Elite Rowers during Off-Training—A Pilot Study | Physiology

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