
Ultrasound sensors have wide applications across science and technology. However, improved sensitivity is required for both miniaturisation and increased spatial resolution. Here, we introduce cavity optomechanical ultrasound sensing, where dual optical and mechanical resonances enhance the ultrasound signal. We achieve noise equivalent pressures of 10-100 $\mu$Pa/$Hz$ at tens-of-kilohertz to megahertz frequencies in a microscale silicon-chip-based sensor with $>$112 dB dynamic range. This sensitivity is five orders-of-magnitude superior to similar sensors that use optical resonance alone and, normalised to sensing area, surpasses all previous ultrasound sensors by more than a thousand-fold. The noise floor is, for the first time, dominated by collisions from molecules in the gas within which the acoustic wave propagates. This new approach to acoustic sensing could find applications ranging from biomedical imaging and assays, to autonomous navigation, trace gas sensing, and scientific exploration of the life-induced-vibrations of single cells.


[1805.01940] Cavity optomechanical ultrasound sensing

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