
Array Layouts for Comparison-Based Searching

, and . (2015)cite arxiv:1509.05053Comment: 46 pages; 24 figures; updated after reviewing by ACM JEA.


We attempt to determine the best order and search algorithm to store $n$ comparable data items in an array, $A$, of length $n$ so that we can, for any query value, $x$, quickly find the smallest value in $A$ that is greater than or equal to $x$. In particular, we consider the important case where there are many such queries to the same array, $A$, which resides entirely in RAM. In addition to the obvious sorted order/binary search combination we consider the Eytzinger (BFS) layout normally used for heaps, an implicit B-tree layout that generalizes the Eytzinger layout, and the van Emde Boas layout commonly used in the cache-oblivious algorithms literature. After extensive testing and tuning on a wide variety of modern hardware, we arrive at the conclusion that, for small values of $n$, sorted order, combined with a good implementation of binary search is best. For larger values of $n$, we arrive at the surprising conclusion that the Eytzinger layout is usually the fastest. The latter conclusion is unexpected and goes counter to earlier experimental work by Brodal, Fagerberg, and Jacob (SODA~2003), who concluded that both the B-tree and van Emde Boas layouts were faster than the Eytzinger layout for large values of $n$. Our fastest C++ implementations, when compiled, use conditional moves to avoid branch mispredictions and prefetching to reduce cache latency.


[1509.05053] Array Layouts for Comparison-Based Searching

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  • @achakraborty
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