
Mixed mode XML query processing

, , , , , , , , , , and . Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Very large data bases - Volume 29, page 225--236. VLDB Endowment, (2003)


Querying XML documents typically involves both tree-based navigation and pattern matching similar to that used in structured information retrieval domains. In this paper, we show that for good performance, a native XML query processing system should support query plans that mix these two processing paradigms. We describe our prototype native XML system, and report on experiments demonstrating that even for simple queries, there are a number of options for how to combine tree-based navigation and structural joins based on information retrieval-style inverted lists, and that these options can have widely varying performance. We present ways of transparently using both techniques in a single system, and provide a cost model for identifying efficient combinations of the techniques. Our preliminary experimental results prove the viability of our approach.


Mixed mode XML query processing

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