
The Analysis of Character Education in Indonesia

. International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS), 03 (04): 39-46 (November 2018)


The basic problems of Indonesian Education is still not in accordance with the values of Pancasila indigo which if left unchecked could pose a threat to the existence of the nation. There are eighteen-character value that needs to be cultivated in a school environment that is implemented with intra-curricular and extracurricular activities dalma student life. Obstacles encountered in implementation include: the school has not been able to choose the values of characters in accordance with the vision, understanding of teachers about the concept of character education is still not complete, the teacher can not choose the character values corresponding to the subjects diampunya, teachers have not had sufficient competence to integrate value-niai character on subjects that diampunya, and teachers can not be an example of the values chosen character.

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