
Digital fingerprinting of multimedia data involves embedding information in the content signal and offers the traceability of illegal users who distribute unauthorized copies. One potential threat to fingerprinting system is collusion, whereby agroup of users combines their individual copies in an attempt to remove the underlying fingerprints. Hayashi et. al have proposedhierarchical fingerprinting scheme using the CDMA technique which designed a fingerprint signal by a combination of quasi-orthogonalsequences to increase the allowable number of users. In this paper, we formalize the model of collusion from the viewpointof a communication channel, and propose a removal operation considering the interference among fingerprints. We also explorethe characteristic of the proposed detector and the effects of the removal operation on a detection sequence. By introducingtwo kinds of thresholds for the determination of the presence of fingerprints, the performance of the proposed detector isenhanced effectively.


SpringerLink - Book Chapter

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