
Inputs to signaling pathways can have complex statistics that depend on the environment and on the behavioral response to previous stimuli. Such behavioral feedback is particularly important in navigation. Successful navigation relies on proper coupling between sensors, which gather information during motion, and actuators, which control behavior. Because reorientation conditions future inputs, behavioral feedback can place sensors and actuators in an operational regime different from the resting state. How then can organisms maintain proper information transfer through the pathway while navigating diverse environments? In bacterial chemotaxis, robust performance is often attributed to the zero integral feedback control of the sensor, which guarantees that activity returns to resting state when the input remains constant. While this property provides sensitivity over a wide range of signal intensities, it remains unclear how other parameters such as adaptation rate and adapted activity affect chemotactic performance, especially when considering that the swimming behavior of the cell determines the input signal. We examine this issue using analytical models and simulations that incorporate recent experimental evidences about behavioral feedback and flagellar motor adaptation. By focusing on how sensory information carried by the response regulator is best utilized by the motor, we identify an operational regime that maximizes drift velocity along chemical concentration gradients for a wide range of environments and sensor adaptation rates. This optimal regime is outside the dynamic range of the motor response, but maximizes the contrast between run duration up and down gradients. In steep gradients, the feedback from chemotactic drift can push the system through a bifurcation. This creates a non-chemotactic state that traps cells unless the motor is allowed to adapt. Although motor adaptation helps, we find that as the strength of the feedback increases individual phenotypes cannot maintain the optimal operational regime in all environments, suggesting that diversity could be beneficial. The biased random walk is a fundamental strategy used by many organisms to navigate their environment. Drift along the desired direction is achieved by reducing the probability to reorient whenever conditions improve. In the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, this is accomplished with a sensory module that implements negative integral feedback control, the output of which is relayed to the flagellar motors (the actuators) by a response regulator to control the probability to change direction. The proper dynamical coupling between sensor and actuator is critical for the performance of the random walker. Here, we identify an optimal regime for this coupling that maximizes drift velocity in the direction of the gradient in multiple environments. Our analysis reveals that feedback of the behavior onto the system in steep gradients can constrain individual cell performance, by causing bi-stable behavior that can trap cells in non-chemotactic states. These limitations are inherent in the biased random walk strategy with integral feedback control, but can be alleviated if the output of the pathway adapts, as recently characterized for the flagellar motors in Escherichia coli.

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