
Notes on several phenomenological laws of quantum gravity

. (2013)cite arxiv:1308.4044Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcome.


Phenomenological approaches to quantum gravity try to infer model-independent laws by analyzing thought experiments and combining both quantum, relativistic, and gravitational ingredients. We first review these ingredients -three basic inequalities- and discuss their relationships with the nature of fundamental constants. In particular, we argue for a covariant mass bound conjecture: in a spacetime free of horizon, the mass inside a surface $A$ cannot exceed $16 \pi G^2 m^2< A $, while the reverse holds in a spacetime with horizons. This is given a precise definition using the formalism of light-sheets. We show that $\hbar/c$ may be also given a geometrical interpretation, namely $4 \pi \hbar^2/m^2< A$. We then combine these inequalities and find/review the following: (1) Any system must have a size greater than the Planck length, in the sense that there exists a minimal area (2) We comment on the Minimal Length Scenarios and the fate of Lorentz symmetry near the Planck scale (3) Quanta with transplanckian frequencies are allowed in a large enough boxes (4) There exists a mass-dependent maximal acceleration given by $m c^3/\hbar$ if $m<m_p$ and by $c^4/G m$ if $m>m_p$ (5) There exists a mass dependent maximal force and power (6) There exists a maximal energy density and pressure (7) Physical systems must obey the Holographic Principle (8) Holographic bounds can only be saturated by systems with $m>m_p$; systems lying on the ``Compton line'' $l 1/m$ are fundamental objects without substructures (9) We speculate on a new bound from above for the action. In passing, we note that the maximal acceleration is of the order of Milgrom's acceleration $a_0$ for ultra-light particles ($mH_0)$ that could be associated to the Dark Energy fluid. This suggests designing toy-models in which modified gravity in galaxies is driven by the DE field, via the maximal acceleration principle.


Notes on several phenomenological laws of quantum gravity

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