
An introductory physical chemistry text. Topics include --- the properties of gases; the first law --- the concepts; the first law --- the machinery; the second law --- the concepts; the second law --- the machinery; changes of state --- physical transformations of pure substances; changes of state --- physical transformations of simple mixtures; changes of state --- the phase rule; changes of state --- chemical reactions; equilibrium electrochemistry; quantum theory --- introduction and principles; quantum theory --- techniques and applications; atomic structure and atomic spectra; molecular structure; symmetry --- its description and consequences; rotational and vibrational spectra; electronic transitions; magnetic resonance; statistical thermodynamics --- the concepts; statistical thermodynamics --- the machinery; diffraction techniques; the electric and magnetic properties of molecules; macromolecules; the kinetic theory of gases; ion transport and molecular diffusion; the rates of chemical reactions; the kinetics of complex reactions; molecular reaction dynamics; processes at solid surfaces and dynamic electrochemistry. Many tables of reference data are also provided.

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