
An Overview of Emergency Call Systems Used in Highway Vehicles



The number of vehicles participating in road transport worldwide is increasing every year. It is estimated that there are currently 1,400 billion vehicles on the road around the world. Since new vehicles are added to traffic every day around the world, an exact figure cannot be given. In Turkey, hundreds of thousands of vehicles participate in traffic every year. As the number of vehicles increases, the number of traffic accidents also increases. In 2020, there were about 150 thousand traffic accidents with deaths and injuries in Turkey. It is important to provide first aid to the injured persons as soon as possible after a traffic accident occurred. The location of the accident site has a great impact on the survival rate of the injured persons. In the case of road accidents that occur in the settlement, the intervention of people in the area and calling the emergency services will ensure that first aid accurately is provided in a short time. However, when road accidents occur outside residential areas or in unpopulated areas, the number of fatalities increases. For this reason, emergency call systems in road vehicles are important for the timely provision of first aid. In European Union countries, emergency call systems have been deployed in new vehicles with eCall application since 2007. However, it is known that a large number of older design vehicles are still in use in the European Union, Eastern European countries, Turkey. In this study, the emergency call systems eCall actively used in Turkey and Europe are investigated and the situation is determined. Atilla Ergüzen | Ahmet Özcan Än Overview of Emergency Call Systems Used in Highway Vehicles" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-2 , February 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49155.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/computer-science/embedded-system/49155/an-overview-of-emergency-call-systems-used-in-highway-vehicles/atilla-ergüzen

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