
Magnetic activity in the HARPS M-dwarf sample. The rotation-activity relationship for very low-mass stars through R'HK

, , , , , and . (2016)cite arxiv:1610.09007Comment: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A). 21 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables.


Atmospheric magnetic fields in stars with convective envelopes heat stellar chromospheres. Starting with the historical Mount Wilson monitoring program, CaH&K lines have been widely used to trace stellar magnetic activity, and as a proxy for rotation period and consequently for stellar age. Monitoring stellar activity has also become essential in filtering out false-positives due to magnetic activity in extra-solar planet surveys. The Ca H&Kemission is traditionally quantified through the R'HK-index, which compares the chromospheric flux in the doublet to the overall bolometric flux of the star. Much work has been done to characterize this index for FGK-dwarfs, but M-dwarfs were left out of these analyses and no calibration of their Ca ii H&K emission to an R'HK exists to date. We set out to characterize the magnetic activity of the low and very low-mass stars by providing a calibration of the R'HK-index that extends to the realm of M-dwarfs, and by evaluating the relation between R'HK and the rotation period. We calibrated the bolometric and photospheric factors for M-dwarfs to properly transform the S-index into the R'HK. We monitored magnetic activity through the Ca ii H&K emission lines in the HARPS M-dwarf sample. The R'HK index, like the fractional X-ray luminosity L_X/Lbol, shows a saturated correlation with rotation, with saturation setting in around a ten days rotation period. Above that period, slower rotators show weaker Ca ii activity, as expected. Under that period, the R'HK index saturates to ~10^-4. Stellar mass modulates the Ca ii activity, with R'HK showing a constant basal activity above 0.6Msun and then decreasing with mass between 0.6Msun and the fully-convective limit of 0.35Msun. Short-term variability of the activity correlates with its mean level, stars with higher R'HK index show larger R'HK variability, as previously observed for earlier spectral types.


Magnetic activity in the HARPS M-dwarf sample. The rotation-activity relationship for very low-mass stars through R'HK

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