
Traditional statistical analysis requires that the analysis process and data are independent. By contrast, the new field of adaptive data analysis hopes to understand and provide algorithms and accuracy guarantees for research as it is commonly performed in practice, as an iterative process of interacting repeatedly with the same data set, such as repeated tests against a holdout set. Previous work has defined a model with a rather strong lower bound on sample complexity in terms of the number of queries, $n\simq$, arguing that adaptive data analysis is much harder than static data analysis, where $n\simq$ is possible. Instead, we argue that those strong lower bounds point to a limitation of the previous model in that it must consider wildly asymmetric scenarios which do not hold in typical applications. To better understand other difficulties of adaptivity, we propose a new Bayesian version of the problem that mandates symmetry. Since the other lower bound techniques are ruled out, we can more effectively see difficulties that might otherwise be overshadowed. As a first contribution to this model, we produce a new problem using error-correcting codes on which a large family of methods, including all previously proposed algorithms, require roughly $n\sim\sqrt4q$. These early results illustrate new difficulties in adaptive data analysis regarding slightly correlated queries on problems with concentrated uncertainty.


[1604.02492] Challenges in Bayesian Adaptive Data Analysis

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