
Evaluation of the Impact of Network Topologies and Applications on Synchronization Strategies of Distributed SDN Controllers

. University of Würzburg, (2020)


Software-defined Networking (SDN) separates the data from the control plane and outsources the latter to a logically centralized instance called the controller. This enables a common view of the network topology and provides a central entity for network configurations. The controller is often distributed to impose no single point of failure and to balance the load efficiently among the physical controller instances. To maintain a consistent view of the network, synchronization between the individual controller instances is required. Controller implementations can be categorized by their utilized synchronization strategy and largely fall in one of two categories, namely horizontal or hierarchical. Goal of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of the network topology and running controller applications on the performance of the controller when using different synchronization mechanisms. As access to large SDN test beds is limited the investigations will be done by simulations within the OMNeT++ framework.

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