
Training Process Outsourcing –Emerging Need of Various Medium and Small Sized Companies

. International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 2 (4): 1-3 (March 2014)


Training imparted to employees is an essential area in Human Resource Management which increases the knowledge and skill for a specific job. Since training is a recurring, tedious and time consuming process so big organisations organize inhouse training of their employees, while small and medium organisations may find it profitable to outsource the same. Because, lack of adequate infrastructure, skilled trainer and expertise with the SMEs makes it difficult to impart training and so they are resort to an external agency to for its specialized services at a nominal cost. Thus, using a third party specialization in training is the Training process Outsourcing which also known as Business Process is Outsourcing. With a conscious need to cut costs, save time the SMEs more often outsource the training process according to the training needs of its employees. This paper will focus on the growing needs of the company due to which outsourcing training process is increasing.

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