
The Trio Great Ancient Athenians and Instructional Design

. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4 (4): 219-232 (April 2023)


The contributions of the trio of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle to modern civilisation and education have been discussed and studied for centuries. This is quite prominently so in the history, philosophy and psychology of education. Their impact on instructional design has been vastly silent. This is the area this work has focused on. Instructional design is the practice of arranging content and media to facilitate learning. It involves determining the current state of the learners’ understanding, defining goals of instruction and creating a media-based intervention to assist instruction based on some pedagogically tested theories of learning. This work looked at the lives of these three great men, their philosophy and contribution to education generally before focusing on their contributions to instructional design. Their works form the psychological base for instructional design, initiated the process of instructional design, use of instructional models and ergonomics

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