
The Campanian Plain and Phlegrean Fields: structural setting from potential field data

, , , and . Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 91 (2-4): 361--379 (August 1999)
DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0273(99)00044-X


A boundary analysis of the gravity and magnetic fields of the Phlegrean Fields volcanic area and of the surrounding Campanian Plain reveals a complex structural setting. The Campanian Plain results well defined from sharp density boundaries. A set of major E-W lineaments occurs within the Plain. We derive a framework of the structural control to the volcanological evolution of Campanian Plain, which appears strongly influenced by a set of NE-SW lineaments bordering the Acerra depression. The density and magnetization boundaries of the Phlegrean Fields are significantly consistent, both indicating for the collapsed Phlegrean caldera an area considerably less extended than that based on previous geologically-defined models. Many other structures are evidenced in the Phlegrean area, often with agreement between density and magnetization boundaries. Inside the caldera, a strong consistence between the structures we identified and recent seismicity has been noted.

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