
Visuelle Sprachen als Grundlage kooperativer Diskussionsprozesse

, and . Heinz Mandl & Frank Fischer (2000): Wissen sichtbar machen, Wissensmanagement und Mapping-Techniken Göttingen: Hogrefe, (2000)


A distributed system for discussion support is introduced. Based on visual languages, it allows for externalising and structuring contributions in a discussion. Additionally, it provides a graphical transcript of a discussion for later reuse. The CardBoard system offers a framework in which visual languages are used to represent and revise the content and interrelation of contributions. A wide range of visual languages can be generated by parameterisation of the framework system. The system is intended to be used as an extension of natural communication and cooperation facilities in a face-to-face situation. The technically enhanced situation influences the flow and phases of a discussion flow and the communicative behaviour of the participants. These effects have been studied in a formative evaluation which also addresses the design of warming-up materials and other representations. Additionally, different scenarios for organising cooperation and the integration of results are discussed.


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