
We consider the problem of learning an unknown product distribution $X$ over $\0,1\^n$ using samples $f(X)$ where $f$ is a known transformation function. Each choice of a transformation function $f$ specifies a learning problem in this framework. Information-theoretic arguments show that for every transformation function $f$ the corresponding learning problem can be solved to accuracy $\eps$, using $O(n/\eps^2)$ examples, by a generic algorithm whose running time may be exponential in $n.$ We show that this learning problem can be computationally intractable even for constant $\eps$ and rather simple transformation functions. Moreover, the above sample complexity bound is nearly optimal for the general problem, as we give a simple explicit linear transformation function $f(x)=w x$ with integer weights $w_i n$ and prove that the corresponding learning problem requires $Ømega(n)$ samples. As our main positive result we give a highly efficient algorithm for learning a sum of independent unknown Bernoulli random variables, corresponding to the transformation function $f(x)= \sum_i=1^n x_i$. Our algorithm learns to $\eps$-accuracy in poly$(n)$ time, using a surprising poly$(1/\eps)$ number of samples that is independent of $n.$ We also give an efficient algorithm that uses $n \poly(1/\eps)$ samples but has running time that is only $\poly(n, 1/\eps).$


[1103.0598] Learning transformed product distributions

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  • @kirk86
  • @dblp
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