
This chapter’s contribution is its detailed presentation of the implementation of Repast for High Performance Computing (Repast HPC) as a useful and usable framework. It discusses agent simulation in general, providing a context for the more detailed discussion of Repast HPC that follows. The chapter describes the motivation for the author’s work and the limits of current attempts to increase the computational capacity of agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) toolkits. It also discusses the salient aspects of the existing Repast HPC toolkit that guide the development of Repast HPC. The chapter explores the parallelization of an ABMS in a more general way, and describes the current implementation. It introduces an example Repast HPC social science “rumor” application. Multiple versions of the ABMS toolkit have been created, the latest of which is Repast Simphony for Java (Repast SJ). Controlled Vocabulary Terms software agents

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