
Resource description framework technologies in chemistry

, и .
J. Cheminf., 3 (1): 15 (2011)
DOI: doi:10.1186/1758-2946-3-15


The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is providing the life sciences with new standards around data and knowledge management. The uptake in the life sciences is significantly higher than the uptake of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and even relational databases, as was recently shown by Splendiani et al. 1 Chemistry is adopting these methods too. For example, Murray-Rust and co-workers used RDF already in 2004 to distribute news items where chemical structures were embedded using RDF Site Summary 1.0 2. Frey implemented a system which would now be referred to as an electronic lab notebook (ELN) 3. The use of the SPARQL query language goes back to 2007 where it was used in a system to annotate crystal structures 4. ...


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