
Hidden bias to responsible bias: an approach to information systems based on Haraway's situated knowledges

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science—"Featuring the Future", 12, (2007)


Introduction. One problem with creating universal information systems has been the presence of unacknowledged bias. Systems that are designed for discrete discourse communities, as in the domain analytic approach described by Hjørland and Albrechtsen (1995), can be seen as a response to such problems of bias. Method. Through an extended analysis, this paper contends, however, that bias remains in the domain analytic approach. The root of this bias lies in the continued sense, in the writings on domain analysis, that the representation of knowledge structures is a type of scientific discovery: the documentation of a true reality, as opposed to an actively designed interpretation of reality. Results. This paper suggests that a more inclusive approach to information system design might involve the definition and justification of a particular stance toward the information, as appropriate for the use context of a particular system. Conclusions. If we cannot eliminate bias, then we should instead attempt to be more responsible about it and explicitly decide on and defend the perspectives represented in information systems. According to this type of approach, which draws on the idea of situated knowledges as expressed by Donna Haraway, the freedom to define a particular perspective for one situation also enables the definition of alternative stances for other design situations, allowing a diversity of opinions to flower. From this perspective, the design of information systems is both a creative and a critical task.


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