
Eine Zustandsgleichung für dissoziierte Luft mit Entropie, Enthalpie und Druck als Variablen

Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften, 18 (1): 1-7 (January 1970)


An equation of state is given for the entropy of dissociated air with enthalpy and pressure as independent variables which is very suitable for calculating gasdynamical processes by means of electronic computers. This form of the equation of state is a so-called fundamental equation with which all thermodynamic functions of dissociated air are to be calculated by differentiations only. This equation is valid for temperaturesbetween 1500 K and 5000 K and for pressures of 0.001 bar to 100 bar. Furthermore, an equation is given for the enthalpy of the ideal, not dissociated air which permits the calculation of all thermodynamic functions of the ideal air between 150 K and 1500 K with high accuracy.



  • @thorade

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