
Image Denoising using Adaptive Thresholding in Framelet Transform Domain

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2012)


Noise will be unavoidable during image acquisition process and denosing is an essential step to improve the image quality. Image denoising involves the manipulation of the image data to produce a visually high quality image. Finding efficient image denoising methods is still valid challenge in image processing. Wavelet denoising attempts to remove the noise present in the imagery while preserving the image characteristics, regardless of its frequency content. Many of the wavelet based denoising algorithms use DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) in the decomposition stage which is suffering from shift variance. To overcome this, in this paper we proposed the denoising method which uses Framelet transform to decompose the image and performed shrinkage operation to eliminate the noise .The framework describes a comparative study of different thresholding techniques for image denoising in Framelet transform domain. The idea is to transform the data into the Framelet basis, example shrinkage followed by the inverse transform. In this work different shrinkage rules such as universal shrink(US),Visu shrink (VS), Minmax shrink(MS), Sure shrink(SS) , Bayes shrink(BS) and Normal shrink(NS) were incorporated . Results based on different noise such as Gausssian noise, Poission noise , Salt and pepper noise and Speckle noise at (??=10,20) performed in this paper and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and Structural similarity index measure(SSIM) as a measure of the quality of denoising was performed.



  • @thesaiorg

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