
Energy Efficiency Requirements in Building Codes, Energy Efficiency



The use of energy in buildings accounts for a large share of the total end use of energy. In sectors such as residential and the commercial sector the major part of the energy consumption takes place buildings. This includes energy used for controlling the climate in buildings and for the buildings themselves, but also energy used for appliances, lighting and other installed equipment. In other sectors a small part of the energy consumption is similar used for similar purposes in relation to the buildings. This is for instance the case for some buildings in the industry used for administration or some buildings agriculture or forestry. The energy efficiency of new buildings determines the building sector’s energy consumption for far longer than other end-use sectors components determine their sector’s efficiency. Buildings will typically be constructed to be used for many decades and, in some cases, for more than a hundred years. In other energy end uses, the capital lifetime for efficiency improvement will be, at most, a few decades.



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