
Rubrics at Play

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Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15 (6): 328--336 (0 feb 2010)


For assessment to be useful for students, it must give them feedback that will help them move to the next level of proficiency; in other words, it must be "formative." Many teachers are finding that rubrics are useful as a formative assessment tool. Teachers can use rubrics to analyze student work so that they can plan their instruction and provide beneficial feedback to students that will lead to higher quality work. Rubrics are typically used to assess open-ended tasks or projects; that is, they are for assessment that involves more than simply counting the number of correct answers. Rubrics are generally constructed on a four-, five-, or six-point scale, and can be classified as holistic, analytic, specific, or general. Bush and Leinwand (2000) believe that involving students in creating rubrics encourages them to think about the criteria of quality work and promotes ownership of the assessment process. Several suggestions for involving students in creating rubrics are presented. (Contains 5 figures.)



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