
Learning science through technological design

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38 ((c) 2002 Inst. For Sci. Info): 768-790+ (2001)


In the course of a decade of research on learning in technology-centered classrooms, my research group has gained considerable understanding of why and how students learn science by designing technology. In this article I briefly review two dimensions in which science and technology share fundamental similarities: (a) the production and transformation of representations and (b) the action-oriented language describing the two domains. Because it is fundamentally problematic to derive what ought to happen in science classrooms from other dimensions, I provide three episodes to illustrate what and how students know and learn science during technological design activities. Episodes and analyses embody the two dimensions previously outlined. Because these episodes are representative of the database established during an extensive research program, I suggest there is sufficient ground for using and investigating science-through-technology curricula. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



  • @clachapelle

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