
Kooperation zwischen chinesischen und deutschen elektronischen Medien: Chancen und Grenzen

(7. Maerz 2008)


Firma TransTel GmbH in Asien verkauft Fernsehproduktionen von ARD und ZDF an Tv-Sender, 1998 aufgeloest, arbeit uebernommen von Deutscher Welle seit Fruehjahr 1996 strahlt Dw-TV auf dem satelliten AsiaSat nach Asien und china DW-TV forms agreement with Radio Guangdong for broadcasting DW language courses (every evening 1 hour) on the education channel target group: employees in chinese-german JV in Guangdong 'Bundesliga kickoff' on Kanton Tv, 2005 Soccer programme Shanghai Interactive Television SiTV 2006 starts broadcasting four DW-TV magazines since August 2006: Euromaxx Highlights, Kino, PopXport and Made in Germany, Chinese subtitle, national transmission via PayTV. Reaches 6 Mio. subscribers in 110 cities in China. What are the limits of cooperation? Obstacles in satellite broadcasting. A hotel director should be able to decide for himself if he wants to offer Dw-TV to his guests. China wants to force Dw-TV to encrypt its program for Asia and australia China wants to force DW-TV to broadcast additionally via SinoSat - for hefty fees decisions on applications for cable broadcast (kabeleinspeisung) in China are open for years, if hotel managers show the porgrammes anyway they get difficulties with regulators. Deutsche Welle applied for feeding in mid 2004 at SARFT in Beijing, since 03/2008 no reaction good relations with beijing Tv, Wuhan Tv, Zhejiang TV and CCTV - science, technology, medicine since mid 2007 DW cooperates with L.I.C. with studios in Beijin and China, HK, offers weekly Euromaxx (engl. Transtel-Version), l.I.C. translates and adapts programme as a new chinese version for 62 regional stations all over China.



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