
Display vigour and subsequent fight performance in the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens

Behavioural Processes, 11 (2): 113--121 (August 1985)


Investigated the predictive accuracy of isolate display rates for subsequent fight outcome and the effects of the aggressive encounter on both dominant and subordinate fish. The display of 24 individual male Siamese fighting fish to an unresponsive stimulus conspecific was measured, and the Ss were then placed together in pairs. Results show that for 11 of the 12 pairs, the outcome of the aggressive interaction that ensued was predicted by the gill cover erection durations obtained in the prefight isolate tests. It is suggested that the aggressive display of Bettas appears to contain accurate information about fighting ability and that accounts of agonistic behavior in this species suggesting that habituation is of primary importance in determining fight outcome need to be re-examined.



  • @toby

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