Beliebiger Eintrag,

Choreographic Three Bodies on the Lemniscate

, , und .
(Oktober 2002)


We show that choreographic three bodies x(t), x(t+T/3), x(t-T/3) of period T on the lemniscate, x(t) = (x-hat+y-hat cn(t))sn(t)/(1+cn^2(t)) parameterized by the Jacobi's elliptic functions sn and cn with modulus k^2 = (2+sqrt3)/4, conserve the center of mass and the angular momentum, where x-hat and y-hat are the orthogonal unit vectors defining the plane of the motion. They also conserve the moment of inertia, the kinetic energy, the sum of square of the curvature, the product of distance and the sum of square of distance between bodies. We find that they satisfy the equation of motion under the potential energy sum_i<j(1/2 ln r_ij -sqrt3/24 r_ij^2) or sum_i<j1/2 ln r_ij -sum_isqrt3/8 r_i^2, where r_ij the distance between the body i and j, and r_i the distance from the origin. The first term of the potential energies is the Newton's gravity in two dimensions but the second term is the mutual repulsive force or a repulsive force from the origin, respectively. Then, geometric construction methods for the positions of the choreographic three bodies are given.



  • @a_olympia

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