
Smart Stick for Blind People Using IOT (Internet of Things)

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International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 6 (2): 7-11 (March 2019)


With the rapid increase in the domain of 10T (Internet of Things) day by day, whereas people acquire intelligence very quickly but at the same time people doesn't have time to help others and even helping others is thought to be a hectic task. In such a world where we don't have time for others, the people with disability are suffering the most. They are being alienated in the society. The most affected ones are the blind people. Blind people feel too much difficulty of navigation in their life. Blindness become a barrier in their life. As usual blind people used trained dogs and simple white stick for their navigation, but this method is not efficient to break the blindness barrier and also not so efficient to make blind people feel comfortable and live their life normally as normal people live. There are some existing methods available that offer help to the blind people in their navigation but that methods have some disadvantages. This paper analysed the existing solutions and proposes an entire new approach to solve such problems. Proposed approach not only overcomes the disadvantages of the existing approaches, but it is also reliable, cost efficient and easier for the blind people to use.



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