
An approach to assess the quality of collaboration in technology-mediated design situations

, , , , , and .
European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: Designing beyond the Product — Understanding Activity and User Experience in Ubiquitous Environments, page 30:1–30:9. VTT, Finland, Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, (2009)


Our objective is to measure and compare the quality of collaboration in technology-mediated design activities. Our position is to consider collaboration as multidimensional. We present a method to assess quality of collaboration which is composed of seven dimensions concerning communication processes such as grounding, coordination processes, task-related processes, symmetry of individual contributions as well as motivational processes. This method is used in a study aiming to compare the quality of collaboration in architectural design. In this experimental study, design situations vary according to technology-mediation - co-presence with an augmented reality (AR) environment versus distance with AR and visio-conferencing -, and according to number of participants - pairs versus groups of four architects -. Our results show that distinctive dimensions of collaboration are affected by the technology mediation and/or the number of co-designers. We discuss these results with respect to technology affordances such as visibility and group factors.



  • @psilabx
  • @dblp

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