
Network as a Service - A Demo on 5G Network Slicing

, , , and . 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28), Würzburg, Germany, (September 2016)


Network slicing allows to offer an individual programmable network architecture, which suits the requirements of various use cases, subscriber types and apps. Within a slice, the functional elements can be instantiated according to the specific service offering, e.g., health, automotive, logistics, energy, and public safety. All these services have different demands on the network such as ultra-low latency, massive IoT, or dense broadband. A öne-size-fits-all" solution as we have it today, covering all different use cases and services to every device everywhere in the network, is obviously not an option. A far more beneficial solution can be provided if different deployments and architectural flavors can be setup for each use case or service group, respectively and all these different network implementation can be run in parallel. Within this demo, we present 5G network slicing using the example of a health insurance provider offering individual services for the customers with the help of a network slice.

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