
The Asymptotic Convergence-Rate of Q-learning

NIPS, page 1064--1070. (1997)


In this paper we show that for discounted MDPs with discount factor $\gamma>1/2$ the asymptotic rate of convergence of Q-learning is O($1/t^R(1-\gamma$)) if $R(1-\gamma)<1/2$ and O($łogt/ t$) otherwise provided that the state-action pairs are sampled from a fixed probability distribution. Here $R=p_min/p_max$ is the ratio of the minimum and maximum state-action occupation frequencies. The results extend to convergent on-line learning provided that $p_min>0$, where $p_min$ and $p_max$ now become the minimum and maximum state-action occupation frequencies corresponding to the stationary distribution.



  • @csaba

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