
The small world Web



In a graph with a "small world" topology, nodes are highly clustered yet the path length between them is small. Small world networks which have already been identified are the collaboration graph of actors in feature films, the neural network of the nematode worm C. elegans, and the electrical grid of the western United States 1. In this paper I show that the World Wide Web is a small world as well, in that the largest connected component of sites forms a small world network. I demonstrate the advantages of a search engine which makes use of the fact that pages corresponding to a particular search query can form small world networks. In a further application, the search engine uses the small-worldness of its search results to measure the connectedness between communities on the Web.



  • @zoka
  • @spiegi
  • @flöckchen
  • @suny
  • @olhah
  • @sascha

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