
Ontology-based User Context Management: The Challenges of Dynamics and Imperfection

On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE. Part I., volume 4275 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 995--1011. Springer, (2006)


Robust and scalable user context management is the key enabler for the emerging context- and situation-aware applications, and ontology-based approaches have shown their usefulness for capturing especially context information on a high level of abstraction. But so far the problem has not been approached as a data management problem, which is key to scalability and robustness. The specific challenges lie in the imperfection of high-level context information, its time-dependence and the variability in the dynamics between its different elements. The approach presented in this paper presents a layered data model which structures the problems and is geared towards flexible and efficient query processing in combination of relational database and logic-based techniques. The techniques have been successfully applied for context-aware corporate learning support.



  • @aschmidt

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