
International Perspectives on the Media-related Educational Competencies of Teacher Educators. A Systematic Category-Based Comparison of Competency Frameworks.

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Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2020, page 1267--1276. Online, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), (April 2020)


Recently, educational research has been focusing increasingly on the role of teacher educators in the advancement of future teachers’ competencies with regards to digital media and technology. There are various competency frameworks and models from different national and international contexts to define and specify the competencies teachers, and teacher educators in particular, need to successfully cope with the manifold challenges of teaching and learning with media and technology. While international frameworks usually build on sources from different countries, national models often specify requirements and needs for a certain national background. From an international comparative perspective, the research desideratum emerges to clarify links between different approaches and to draw conclusions on similarities and unique characteristics to contextualize national frameworks in their wider contexts. Against this background...



  • @schulpaed-test
  • @jennifertiede
  • @sgrafe
  • @sp-jmu

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