
Labeling deviant behavior: its sociological implications

Harper & Row monograph series in sociology Harper & Row, New York, 4 edition, (1973)


Value judgements on various patterns of adaptive behavior are seen as inevitable aspects of social interaction. Dominant social control organizations and groups are said to engage in labeling certain behavior departing from the norm of the social order for the purposes of isolating or controlling such behavior. It is pointed out that such labeling confirmed and reinforced in criminal justice processing impresses a deviant identity upon the offender both in his own mind and that of normative society. It is considered that persons tend to act out identities and associate themselves with subcultures where such identities have status. It is believed that an understanding of the character and implications of the labeling process will not undermine commitment to social control, but serve to encourage a more humane, flexible way of dealing with those in the criminal justice system.



  • @meneteqel

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